About Numerology and You 

Numerology is the study of numbers – simple numerology looks at someone’s date of birth. More advanced numerology also examines the vibrations of a person’s name.

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All numbers have a vibrational energy or frequency that sheds light on our life purpose, life’s lessons and blessings/gifts.
Letters also have vibrational energetic qualities
Each letter has a karmic numeric value and its associated meaning.
Different combinations create different synergistic interpretations and karmic lessons and blessings.

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People may have the same birthdays, even birth dates but different names – in fact in identical twins, this is the only defining difference between the two.

From a person’s name and birth date, we can piece together a jigsaw tapestry painting a picture of their life lessons and highlighting the karmic routes of least resistance & greatest joy if they learn to dance the 7 steps up their individual pyramid of akashic destiny. More on akashic records in a future post.


For now, we invite you t enjoy this video  – our website is a labour of love in progress. Please visit again soon for more …

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